Thursday, December 14, 2006


I've never been a great internet user... My maximum experience with the internet was limited to browsin a few articles, checking my mails and blogging (ranging in the periodic scale of not often to rarely), period...

And right now..., while blogging this, i'm on the internet, all by myself, searching a few academic stuff, logged on to a radio station, listening to nice music, blogging and doin a lot of stuff i never thought i wud... This is something very common to most of the people but for a person from a remote place like mine it's somethim cool...

It's really nice to be completely independent and work on somethin u like... Lifestyle is totally changin... But one thing... The technological sofistications r makin this generation lazy...

V know v can get stuff done in a short time... So, v don hav to get up early, or stand in a long Q or anything like that which was almost an everyday affair in our parent's time... I'm not bein conservative... Even i'm one of this generation's technology-made-lazies.... Jus a thought...

Neways gotta get back to work...