Tuesday, June 30, 2020

For who am I...

Questions and doubts plague me a constant

Every word I spell a chore for I doubt

As I write I edit and delete

Changing them into submission and supplication

For who am I to dare to speak

For who am I to think worthy of being heard

For who am I to dare to voice

For who am I to feel I could

I mimic in misery while fully aware

That the brilliance of me that comes out at times

That makes you see, hear, laugh and may be even respect

Is nothing in truth but my disguise

Of the garment woven craftily from countless personalities

That I see, that I hear, that I read and am in awe of

Of the countless you’ll I constantly try to match and fail

For who am I to dare to dream

That I could truly be me and still matter...

In my darkness

In the dark center of my being

You come shining a gentle light

Albeit a gentle light it casts your shadows long...

They precede you in the race to help me

But aren’t I scared of the shadows around me...

Good or bad... shadows are mute 

And in the silence I hardly discern

I hear your feet on the heavy dust of my confidence scatter

Cowering in the corner I huddle into my arms

The only ones I trust...most days...

Aren’t I scared of the darkness for the shadows they hide...

Aren’t I scared of the darkness for the light they might let in...

Aren’t I scared of the darkness for the truth they hide

Aren’t I scared of your gentle light for what they might reveal...

Aren’t I scared...