Monday, November 23, 2015

SHOTS - Birthday!


She woke up to a mailbox full of birthday wishes...
Her shopping site memberships had gained her several families...
Well...That was the only kind of family she knew...


Her phone calendar woke her up on an alarm that sang happy birthday to her... 
Her Facebook aquantancies promptly responded to their own synchronised calendars and wished her well.
Strangers called her dear and liked her birthday morning selfie...
She was alone and not only in the house...


She walked out shy and slow to take a peek.  She could see what she was promised on her 15th Birthday!
Her fear came true to see Madam smiling at her conspiratorially when she walked out and an even harder glint to the man's eyes...
It was going to be no different this year then...Unless worse! She sighed and unconsciously reached to touch the almost invisible bruises on her body...

Note: All the love and wishes I received on my birthday and do every year, is something I take for granted!

While scores of people around the world suffer and birthday is just another bad day!



anandi said...

Aren't you being pessimistic?

UJ said...

Hi Anandi, thanks for stopping by. I believe I was not being pessimistic but more of remembering other less fortunate people around the world that don't get the things I've so easily gotten in my life.

All I can do is pause and realise the worth/value of my life on that note, is it not?

anandi said...

I guess we should cherish each moment we live and each thing we get. Cest la vie!