A few days ago I read an article in the Newspaper talking about the problem of Female Infanticide still being heavily prevelant in many places and even having been seen to have had a rise in a few states(the statistics were given in the article). In the various means to eradicate this it mentioned equal property distribution as one, which has been an ongoing problem in itself as only a few states have made "Equal Right to Property" laws. Then it struck me, in INDIA, a country known for its familyhood, closeknit society, culture and sentiments with its tales and epics talking abt how a mother/child sacrfices everything for the other, we are talking abt materialistic wealth to stop a mother/father/relative from killing their own newborn child....!!!
Then i thought, since "money to bring them up, money to educate them, money to get them married" are the basic reasons for female infanticide in almost all cases, obviously, i can't talk sentiments.... For that matter all the problems that we women in India face should not be if we are going to talk sentimemts isn't it?... Neway jus a thought...!
why does this happen...... is it nly because boys will earn for the family????? which is the cause for child labour and leads toilliteracy....... is it because the girl's family needs more money to make her a living????? th thought leads to, or is rather derived from dowry system!!!!! is it because the mother knows how hard the life for a woman is in that particular region???????..... this shows the social instability..... is it because they consider male sex superior???? then that is male chauvinism.....this is not just one problem.....in general it is a derivative of innumerable social issues...... we need a definitive solution , not one but many to solve all these........ the most simple of them all and the most essential is education!!!!!!!!!!!
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