Tuesday, November 24, 2009

It was watching from above...

It was watching from above, zooming, into that form of transportation that was one of the most common, on the most common medium used there.  It knew all the terms, details and science behind them all.  But fascination never stopped with knowledge, only increased...!

It was sitting idly watching all of those creatures in that "Bus", as it knew, that form of transportation was known, in that planet called "Earth".  It watched their "busy lives", as it knew it was, though much much slower than the pace of its own planet.  Watched those creatures that called themselves "Humans/Homosapiens", a term, it knew, according to the practices of the planet, were chosen by the "Scientists" of "Earth", as their group of "intellectuals" were known there.  It was watching them all, going about their business, in their own "thoughts", as it knew their cognitive states were mostly called, so lost in them, that they did not really notice the rise and fall of their chests in a slow rhythm with each other, that it could now see from above... It was simply watching...

From high above it was all tranquil, for it had induced its voluntary filter of its accoustics and any enhancements equipments needed, leaving only the video enhancement goggles on, and was simply watching... It knew, they "Humans" were heading in the direction, its ancestors once did... It knew one day, they will realize the "Ultimate Truth" in their own way, but very similar to how it dawned on its ancestors, a few (thousand earth) years ago...


Leonhart said...

lolz...what was it Jo..couldn actually figure it out...and whats that "Ultimate truth"...help me out chief... ;)

UJ said...

@leon: :) I was just sitting ina bus and looking at ppl... and started thinking abt how it wud look to a creature, an alien, to put it plainly... for somthing that is not used to this world though it knows abt it all theoretically (for I, the person who's imagining, cannot wipe out the knowledge of it and look at it anew)... Assuming it is an advanced intelligent species whose ancestors also went thro such processes and transformations before reaching this level of technological and other advancement in the first place... The ultimate truth wud be those basic qsn's that we wud all like the answer to... WAT r we? Where did we come from? What wud become of us? Why are we here? (not limiting to humans but the whole world, its creatures, the universe in all its dimensions)... I hope i made it clear... else, will discuss in mail... :)

Leonhart said...

perfect...enough said..thnks chief..