Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Shared Sin

I have sinned... but she did her share too...
I are ashamed and guilty and sulking in self persecution...
well she is too... at least I assume so...

do I have to live anymore... for I have done this to her... the very soul I loved or still love?!
am I worthy of life even now... for I have hurt the very being I wanted to protect all my life...
do I have to live with this self, this cruel soul for I have injured the fragile creature I wanted to own...
for I have made that creature realize that it is just not so... for I have made it see its other side, for it is also a creature like me...

have I got the guts to face it and survive... this gashing bleeding wound I have caused to both of us...?!
have I got the sense to see things clear and move on... have I got enough sanity left within me to appreciate the ones that have stuck around..
am I insane enough to not heed the practicality they suggest I live in...?!

I have sinned... but has she not too???

PS: I wrote it for a friend, from college, who was suffering an unrequited love... But he thinks that she did love him but now is not ready to accept it... I am sorry, friend, I hope I haven't given out more details than you like...



Leonhart said...

man........ thats a lot scary questions the FRIEND seem to ve had... :) ...

Vikas Jain said...

For the Friend: Yes man u can still Live, and u have the guts to face it and survive, the bleeding wounds u have caused to both of u will heal soon, the time will do that. U know u did it, intentianally so that u make no more souls to bleed and cry. Hope she understand ur intention and happily accepts the pain u have caused to her.